Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Real Life > Poker

Okay, I try not to let real life intrude here. However, I have been neglecting the blog and thought you should all know what is going on.

We found out that my wife is due with our first child in Mid-December. So my free time lately has been baby furniture, baby sheets, baby clothes....baby baby baby.

I'm still playing. Still grinding through the Limit Challenge. Still Donking off money.

I did the instant bankroll through pokersourceonline for $100 free at Absolute Poker. You get $50 and have to earn the other $50. I have thus far lost $28 and not released any bonus money.

In good news, I have a 5% stake in someone going to the WSOP ME this year. More to come later. Just a quick update.

Distractions suck.

Cya at the tables.


At 8:49 PM, Blogger t said...

babies babies babies

i love babies!!!!!!!

but then they grow up.



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